Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy 4 months old, Amy!

Today Micah had chicken nuggets for lunch. I bought blueberries to feed to him also, but promptly forgot about them. Both kids had a Dr. appointment today- Micah's first well baby in more than a year. Oops. They are both happy and healthy and NO EAR INFECTIONS. I've been wondering since Micah's two months of antibiotics. Micah weighs 26lbs (almost) and is 34 inches tall (almost). Amy weighs 13 lbs (almost) and is 24 inches long. Which, incidently, explains why she hasn't outgrown her 3 month clothes. She was shooting right along and I had expected to put those away before now. She is sleeping on the couch now and occasionally smiling. I love her.
Micah loves his Jesus Storybook Bible. I also like it. I think it does an excellent job of presenting the gospel through the whole of scripture. It is also heavy on grace and God's love for us. Michael does not enjoy the style in which it is written. Last night we finished reading and Micah did not want his Bible put away. I told him, "Ok, you may sleep with it if you like." He was very happy and laid down with it under his head like a pillow. About 2 minutes later he cried and when I came to check he held out his bible and informed me, "No like it." Apparently Bibles are meant to be read, not slept on.
Micah's sin is what prompted me to write tonight. This was his justification of his disobedience when I told him to pick up his toys tonight:

Micah Sleeping, Shhhhh.
And, yes, this IS a reenactment.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not so much with the salsa. . .

Today for lunch Micah had frozen corn, peas, and green beans. corn chips. which he quickly discarded after trying salsa. and . . . frosted mini wheats. Sugar sides only. I only have one hand handy. Pictures:

Amy in her new booster

Micah as Tigger playing cards with Bonnie