Monday, December 21, 2009


Amy and Daisy sleeping after the Family Christmas party Friday night.

Happiness in a small package.
Showing off her short shorts before they become too short.

Christmas pictures

Today Micah had. . . candy? surely not. . . lets see, oranges? Well. . . . hmmm. . . . I'm sure he ate something healthy. Well, if candy produces such cuteness, bring it on.

This morning I was sitting on the couch watching Up for the 80th time with Micah and he looked at me and said, "You sad?" and I said, "Yes." and he said, "Up make you sad?" and I said, "Yes." and said, "Micah kiss you face." and then he did. :)

Later we were at the store and he cried and cried and cried, (he slept on the way there, but had to wake up and his mom wouldn't carry him while pushing the cart). After about 20 minutes of wailing through the store we went to the toy aisle where he calmed down and started to like some of the toys. I told him we were there looking for a present for Amy so she could open something Christmas morning (poor child). He told me about some trucks he liked and he petted an elephant than I also petted (making it trumpet at him), he jumped, then smiled. We walked all around and then he said, "Found it Mom!" "Oh, found what?" "Found Amy's present!" I looked where he was pointing and saw the cutest little baby dolls! "Amy present, Mom!"

On the way home I told Micah, "I love you so much bug." "Love you too much, Mom!" he replied.
And this is what I found when I stopped writing to check on the kiddos. Apparently Micah couldn't hold out on Amy any longer and shared his chocolate with her. "Sorry Mom, sorry." he assurred me. I found her under the card table smacking away on a twix.

If you are worried about his lunch, rest assured he ate 1/4 of a silver salmon for dinner. Almost as much as his sister.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Donkeys, Camels and Wise Men.

Well the sickness has struck again. Micah started barfing on Friday night and stopped Late Saturday, Amy started Saturday evening, paused on Sunday, and continued in earnest Monday. Her last up-chuck was around noon today, so hopefully we are in the clear. Praise the Lord for healthy kids who can handle stuff like this. Today we finally got some of the house cleaned up after all the sadness and vomitting (wow, that sounds like what I say after I have a baby. . . ) and in the midst of cleaning we got out the little people Nativity set. Micah has been busily playing with it ever since. He seems to have expanded beyond stacking the characters too- right now the donkey and a wiseman are in heated conversation about going into the 'house'. (stable). Amy is busy eating everything she can find. She had 'Baby Jesus' before Micah got up from his nap and was chewing on him. I wanted to take a picture and say, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." but Micah showed up and grabbed it from her. We can't find him now. . . Baby Jesus, I mean. It's curious because I already rescued him from under the stove and Micah seems to have no idea where he is now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that we don't have to search for you in our blindness and sin, but that you came to seek and to save us who were lost.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cereal parties. . .

I don't think Micah had lunch today. I tried to interest him in something. . . but I feel like both kids have been subsisting off a liquid diet lately. . . so I guess you could say Micah nursed for 45 minutes for lunch today. . . Amy is sick. I can tell because she is laying her car seat watching me type and not complaining about it. Very sad. And we got our first inch and a half of snow last night. Micah walked around in it for a while after he got up this morning. I suspect he will go out again when he gets up from his nap.
So. . . adventures in Micahland. . . On Saturday he went with his Dad to take cookies to our neighbor that we hadn't met yet. When they got there her big dog barked and scared them and he dropped the cookies. Upon arriving home he regaled me (and everyone he talked to for a few days) with retellings of "Oh, hahaha, cookies. . . . big dog. . . barked. . . fall down, HAHAHAHAHA, dog yum yum yum. . . . HAHAHAHAHA" His first version though was, "Cookies, whoopsies, HAHAHAHAHA". It's become increasingly difficult to get him to repeat the whoopsies part.
Micah feels that I put the cereal cupboard on his level so that he could just help himself ( and Amy) to it whenever the urge strikes. That was not actually my thinking, but we have healthy cereal. . . . whatever. . . Anyway, he gets a handful of cereal for Amy and puts it in front of her and then gets a handful for himself and they sit and eat cereal and sometimes Amy tries to eat his first and he says "No, Amy, that's yours. Not this, this is mine. THAT'S YOURS." Always the long pause between that's and yours.
I've realized he doesn't like her to bother his stuff, but he loves to show her stuff. . . "Look Amy, look! Like this. YOU try it.. . . "

The pack'n'play matches our paint. . .

Cereal party. . . .

Micah only cereal party. Amy isn't allowed to have this kind. Notice, his definitive toddler tastes have dictated that he have pepper on it. . . .

My big girl playing while Micah naps.

Micah napping. I love it when they sleep. : )

Amy drumming.

Another cereal party.

Micah and Amy help Daddy put together our new bookshelves.

I can always tell when Micah has had the camera.

And finally, this is Amy's preferred sleeping position while she isn't feeling good. She has been awake, nursed, had medicine and sat and watched me type between the taking of this picture and now, but she is again sleeping just like this in her seat. I think she would prefer to ride this way in the car, but I won't let her.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

We're back! (to the internet, I mean)

Today for lunch Micah had macaroni and cheese and mixed vegetables. He could have had a brownie but he didn't want it. I thought I would start out with this picture. When I was looking for pictures to upload today, I found a folder from the end of October, 2008. Aw.
Here is Amy sleeping on her dad. This picture was taken around the first week of October. I think she is so cute when she is sleeping on her dad. I think it's because she is not sleeping on me.

Micah snagged Amy's car seat. I like the look is giving her.

Amy started pulling up on everything around the first week of October. This was one of the first few times.

I had another picture here, but when I went to capture it, I realized it was a nursing picture that I wasn't willing to share. You're welcome.

I started to think Amy ought to have her hair out of her eyes. I didn't really think my scrunchies would work, but what do you know- they do! Sort of. . .

This may be the most unflattering picture Amy has ever had taken, but she was soo relaxed. . . . In't it sweet?

Amy sleeping in our new bed at our new house. Even when she lays longways, there is still room for me now. Yay! (I had taken to sleeping across the foot of our queen bed).

Micah and Amy help put away the dishes at our new house. Micah has now decided EVERYTHING goes in that drawer.

Crawlin' crawlin' crawlin'. .. .

Watching Daddy and Micah blow bubbles in the back yard. (WE HAVE A BACK YARD!!!!)

Oh, "Hi, Mom!"

These are her favorite toys.

Michael had a Windows 7 launch party. Verrry exciting. . . .

Micah and I did a puzzle. A Windows 7 puzzle.

Pastor played the Wii at our house warming party.

I caught them playing together. . . not sure what they were doing. . . Micah is enjoying her more and more as she gets bigger.

Speaking of getting bigger and bigger, Micah is not Tigger, Micah big boy. Not little, Big boy. HE tells me several times a day. So, I have informed him that big boys go potty in the toilet. He has asked to sit on it a few times, but wanted off before anything exciting has happened. I have curtailed his gumball consumption, hopefully he will be pleasantly surprised when he deposits something in the toilet and gets to go to the gumball machine in the gets bedroom. . . We'll see.
He's been sleeping all night in his bed, and not only that but willingly taking himself there when it time to go to sleep, so that is pleasant. He has also taken on several new chores since the move. He help put away the dishes (as you saw in the pictures) and he has even more laundry responsibilities. I figure by the time he is four I won't have to do the laundry at all ; ) He loads all the wet things into the dryer and carries dry things from the dryer to the guest bedroom where he helps me put them on hangers. I still do all the putting away though, for my own peace of mind.
He's also big enough now to carry the serving dishes of food to the table at dinner time. He takes particular pleasure in this task- there is a lot of responsibility involved and I think it makes him feel really grown-up.
On the other hand, he is also getting big enough to do more disobeying. His favorite act of rebellion right now is changing the DVD's in the DVD player. He just takes out the one that is playing, puts it in the right case and gets another one. Trouble is, he doesn't expend much caution toward keeping the DVD's unscratched. Lets just say he has a smaller selection than he used to.
Amy is growing too. She has figured out that if Micah is bothering her (read: looking at her funny) if she looks and me and fusses I'll get after him. I, too, am beginning to figure this out. I think she is growing again. She eats and eats and eats some more. Both solids and breast milk. The one thing she is not getting much of is finger food. The only one she is really good with is toast. It's funny, because the baby food makers base finger food readiness on crawling ability. Micah was capable and competent with finger food long before he could crawl, she has been crawling forever, but seriously can't handle cheerios at all. She swallows them before she gums them. Augh.
She popped out her two bottom teeth the other day. I found them when I was trying to fish something out of her mouth. Surprise!
Micah and I are trying to teach her to clap. She enjoys the attention.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Many Adventures of Micah-ther-Boy

Today Micah had chicken nuggets for lunch. He also played with toilet water, tried to swim in the pond at our new house, put my sandals in the fridge at our new house, drank water out of his mud puddle (also at our new house), took a long car to couch nap, splashed in his cereal at dinner and gave his sister kisses. Micah has busy days.
Amy seems to have gotten over her urgent need to be fed supplemental solids and has only been having her liquid foods. She has also been wearing out her knees, so she decided to try her feet on for size.

Amy wants to play with Daddy, but just can't keep up.

Leaning on the couch playing with Dad. Dad is Amy's favorite.

She may be smiling here, but I have learned grass is not Amy's favorite.

Micah has almost learned to stand on his head. After this I stood on my head (I was surprised that I could), but he still didn't quite understand the feet in the air part.

After looking for about half an hour, this is where I discovered my sandals . . . I checked the oven about 15 minutes into my search, but obviously my shoes are too cool for that.

Since I had to get the camera out to take pictures of my shoes, I thought I would take a few more of the new house.

Since no one is living there the appliances are unplugged- that is why the fridge is so far from the wall.

We really have six chairs to go around the table, the other three just haven't wandered over yet.

The closets are all hanging open because I was looking for my shoes.

My new bed in my new bedroom.

My babies sleeping in our 'new' car. Aren't they sweet.

Amy woke up when we got home. See how red her knees are? Poor baby.
Micah kept sleeping.
Why Amy's knees are red.
Amy's solution to the red knees. . . use feet!
I didn't realize when I chose this picture that Micah's eyes were like that. . . the point of the picture is actually the HUGE bowl of cereal Michael gave him for dinner.