Monday, May 4, 2009

Raindrops are falling on my head. . .

Micah meets Pine straw.

Micah shoving past Autumn on the slide.

Today I was not paying attention when Micah ate lunch. He may have had pizza and he may have had nothing. I do know he had popcorn. And milk. Amy wants to be smiled at. Friday and Saturday we were up in the mountains just north of Asheville at Michael's parent's retirement house. Sunday morning we traveled on down to Dillard, ate lunch at the Dillard House and saw some places from our past. Later that night we met up with our good friends we came to Georgia to see and we've been spending some time with them since. Micah has really enjoyed having other kids to play with, and also mud puddles to play in!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the picture of Micah and Amy asleep is precious. I love it. I want it on my desktop for awhile. Right now I have Luke and Zina. The pic of Michael and Amy is amazing how much she favors him. Poor baby... Not really. He knows I love him. I cleaned the playhouse out so it is ready for summer.
    Missing You Mom and Dad
