Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today I presented the children with a mixed plate of both PB&J and PB&Honey sandwiches, and apples. Amy and Hannah ate the apples. I've been wondering if Hannah is eating enough lately. I plan to up my offerings to her, to make sure she is at least getting the chance to eat enough- I suspect it is just one of those light times. And she nurses for ever at night, so maybe she just isn't hungry after consuming a quart of breast milk.

This morning Micah kept postponing breakfast in favor of more Nintendo. After he insisted he wasn't hungry 2 hours after waking up, I insisted that the Nintendo go off for the rest of the day. He was sad for a little while, but then I unintentionally (he over-heard, so I had to explain) opened up a conversation about some kids who died because they didn't eat, drink, or go potty because they just kept playing video games AND THEY DIED. I don't know that this actually happened, I was just repeating details as I was told the story on the phone. Micah was suitably disturbed by this. He told me later that sometimes he stops to eat and go potty. Drinking has never been big on his "to do" lists.

Amy started saying Micah's name early last summer (2011), but it has always come out a little more like "Matter" than MI-cuh. Early last summer (2011) Micah began insisting to Amy that his name is MI-cuh, not MAT-ter. Her pronunciation is improving all the time and Micah reported the other day that Amy said his name!!!!!!  Poor girl finally got some credit.

Hannah's new super power, as of today, is being able to remove her jammies. She has been living in jammies because I just don't like the idea of potting training a baby. It seems like more work than it would be worth. Now that jammies are no longer an obstacle, I guess I will let her exhaust her interest. She sat on the potty 4 or 5 times today, culminating in her last request, to "go po-tty" after I'd been trying for a while to get her to sleep.

"No," I said, as I wrestled her for control of the jammy zipper, "It's time to sleep. All done pottying today." I finally let her sit on it fully clothed. When I sat back down to nurse her, she was stinky. Should have let her remove the diaper, who'd a thunk. . .

She is also started to ask for help, instead of fussing. Today was filled with many cries of "Helpy you! Helpy you!" I quickly determined that she was not asking to help me. Oh well.

Micah and Amy played and played and played. And then I busted out the new dress ups from g-ma Retha, while I was on the phone. Not sure why I don't take many pictures of these things- although, my kids do move fast. Enjoying the italics this evening.

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