I've wanted to get on here and type away for a while now, but I don't particularly care for typing with one hand. Today I have a held my baby for hours and hours and hours and now she is happy on the floor. I should be cleaning the kitchen and making dinner, but I'm just going to do this instead. I don't keep a journal or diary and this blog is supposed to fill that gap- and it hasn't been for a while now. So, without further ado:
"Uh. . . Me help Mommy!" -Amy today when she saw me clearing the table and loading the dishwasher. As I finished with the dishes on hte counter she brought me all hte ones from the table and then threw away that trash that was there and ate the string cheese Micah didn't finish.
"Mom, what spells my name?"
"I got that one"
"I, it's the one like a one with a circle above it."
"I got that one too"
"oh, C"
"I already have that. What's next?"
He didn't have the rest, but I was pretty proud of him, even though he actually was writing HACIM. : ) He is very excited about letters right now, so we are siezing the moment and going with it. M, C and this week A are the only ones he consistantly recognizes, but I think it's a good start. We also started learning about senses the other day when a TV show mantioned the sense of touch. It's nice to have him bring me these questions, instead of me trying to figure out what we need to learning now. . .
He just found a tree outside that is like a 1.
I guess I should blog more often. There's no way I can cover all the things from the last few months right now. Micah had pbj and carrot sticks, and Amy had a tuna sandwich for lunch. I wonder what picture I have handy. . .
Uh, where's Hannah?
Oh, there she is. . .

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