I had another picture here, but when I went to capture it, I realized it was a nursing picture that I wasn't willing to share. You're welcome.
I started to think Amy ought to have her hair out of her eyes. I didn't really think my scrunchies would work, but what do you know- they do! Sort of. . .
This may be the most unflattering picture Amy has ever had taken, but she was soo relaxed. . . . In't it sweet?
Amy sleeping in our new bed at our new house. Even when she lays longways, there is still room for me now. Yay! (I had taken to sleeping across the foot of our queen bed).
Micah and Amy help put away the dishes at our new house. Micah has now decided EVERYTHING goes in that drawer.
Crawlin' crawlin' crawlin'. .. .
Watching Daddy and Micah blow bubbles in the back yard. (WE HAVE A BACK YARD!!!!)
Oh, "Hi, Mom!"
These are her favorite toys.
Michael had a Windows 7 launch party. Verrry exciting. . . .
Micah and I did a puzzle. A Windows 7 puzzle.
Pastor played the Wii at our house warming party.
I caught them playing together. . . not sure what they were doing. . . Micah is enjoying her more and more as she gets bigger.
I started to think Amy ought to have her hair out of her eyes. I didn't really think my scrunchies would work, but what do you know- they do! Sort of. . .
Amy sleeping in our new bed at our new house. Even when she lays longways, there is still room for me now. Yay! (I had taken to sleeping across the foot of our queen bed).
Watching Daddy and Micah blow bubbles in the back yard. (WE HAVE A BACK YARD!!!!)
These are her favorite toys.
Michael had a Windows 7 launch party. Verrry exciting. . . .
I caught them playing together. . . not sure what they were doing. . . Micah is enjoying her more and more as she gets bigger.
Speaking of getting bigger and bigger, Micah is not Tigger, Micah big boy. Not little, Big boy. HE tells me several times a day. So, I have informed him that big boys go potty in the toilet. He has asked to sit on it a few times, but wanted off before anything exciting has happened. I have curtailed his gumball consumption, hopefully he will be pleasantly surprised when he deposits something in the toilet and gets to go to the gumball machine in the gets bedroom. . . We'll see.
He's been sleeping all night in his bed, and not only that but willingly taking himself there when it time to go to sleep, so that is pleasant. He has also taken on several new chores since the move. He help put away the dishes (as you saw in the pictures) and he has even more laundry responsibilities. I figure by the time he is four I won't have to do the laundry at all ; ) He loads all the wet things into the dryer and carries dry things from the dryer to the guest bedroom where he helps me put them on hangers. I still do all the putting away though, for my own peace of mind.
He's also big enough now to carry the serving dishes of food to the table at dinner time. He takes particular pleasure in this task- there is a lot of responsibility involved and I think it makes him feel really grown-up.
On the other hand, he is also getting big enough to do more disobeying. His favorite act of rebellion right now is changing the DVD's in the DVD player. He just takes out the one that is playing, puts it in the right case and gets another one. Trouble is, he doesn't expend much caution toward keeping the DVD's unscratched. Lets just say he has a smaller selection than he used to.
Amy is growing too. She has figured out that if Micah is bothering her (read: looking at her funny) if she looks and me and fusses I'll get after him. I, too, am beginning to figure this out. I think she is growing again. She eats and eats and eats some more. Both solids and breast milk. The one thing she is not getting much of is finger food. The only one she is really good with is toast. It's funny, because the baby food makers base finger food readiness on crawling ability. Micah was capable and competent with finger food long before he could crawl, she has been crawling forever, but seriously can't handle cheerios at all. She swallows them before she gums them. Augh.
She popped out her two bottom teeth the other day. I found them when I was trying to fish something out of her mouth. Surprise!
Micah and I are trying to teach her to clap. She enjoys the attention.