I think Micah may have had pop-sicles for lunch today. Hmm. That's too bad. He had a good breakfast and a good dinner though. . . Poor Amy is starving because I have only fed her liquid foods today and really I have decided she is doing best with two (small) solid meals now. She has had meals of bananas, avocados, and rice cereal. Avocados seem to be her least favorite, but as they are the healthiest I hope to change her mind. I will make her some sweet potatoes after we move. I hope that is not too long from now. We close at the end of September, but I am secretly (I'm not sure I have even told myself) hoping to move in next week. Interesting. Our land sale should close this week, but we are still praying for a buyer for our trailer. I can't imagine that God would take care of the huge obstacles that he has taken care of already and not take care of that too. . . He has been so good to us.
Micah has been. . . a mess... I guess you actually call it a two-year old. Sometimes he is so sweet to his sister and other times he tries to see how many things he can stack on her. Sometimes he gives her his toys, and other times he takes them away. When he is in trouble he runs away from me laughing hysterically instead of coming as I ask. This gets him in more trouble of course. At least I have time to secretly laugh while I chase him.
Amy is. . . I'm not sure crawling is the word. But yeah . . . kind of a primitive crawl. She gets around about as fast a turtle, so it's not too stressful yet, but she is getting stronger in that position every day. . I'd say I have a month at the most before she is racing around on all fours. I'm already having more and more trouble keeping her on the carpet.
When she wakes up from her nap in the back and Micah hears her he says "Oh no! Amy sad, Amy crying!" And runs to her. "Fast" he says. This is nice because it is sweet and because sometimes he hears her before I do. This is not nice, because sometime she is not all the way awake. Oh well.
Micah figured out how to get out of his room, so he is now officially trained to stay in bed until around 6:00am when he comes and joins us. I am looking forward to using the king-size bed that is ready and waiting for us at the new house.
I guess that is all I have right now, and I really should go feed this little girl something substantial before bed. And I guess I should put the little boy to bed too. . . hmm. . . maybe he will eat something to make up for his popsicle lunch.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Good Egg
Today Micah ate a whole pear for lunch in like. . . 2 minutes. I had to fish the core and stem out of his mouth. (He tends to chew these a long time instead of swallowing them or spitting them out). He also ate 1/4 of a nectarine and a few bites of beef roast, which we refer to as meat. In other news, we made an offer on a house yesterday and it was accepted today. Of course, we have inspections, and all that jazz to go through, but for all intents and purposes, we should be moving pretty soon! It is a complete miracle we are getting this house- techinically. . . it's just impossible, but God has just made everything fall together and we are just kind of standing around with our mouths open. And crying some times. . . me, not Michael. And hopefully we have a new long distance freindship too. Sadly, the people we are buying the house from have to move to Anchorage. I don't have a lot of pictures of the house because I was carrying Micah because he just woke, so they aren't very good pictures either, but here they are plus some I will steal off her craigslist ad. Yeah. . . we buy everything on craigslist. Actually, to look at the pictures click this link, you can then click on the first thumbnail and use arrows to get to the next ones: ----link removed--- Thats just way easier. . . But here are the ones from the ad:

The living room

And finally, all the pictures of the kids I haven't posted in so long: (these are from most recent to least recent . . . .
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